Sanatorium de Valongo 1 van 1 2

Sanatorium of Valongo (PT) – An abandoomed TBC-hospital on top of Mont`Alto

The construction of the Mont`Alto Sanatorium began in 1932. Due to the appearance of a large number of people who had contracted tubercolosis, it was necessary to expand the facilities, and these enlargement works were completed in 1958. This sanatorium was the last one built in Portugal.

The construction of these TBC-hospitals were carried out in high altitude places due to the purity of the air, and also because they were far from the populations to avoid the effects of contagion.

The structure of this great sanatorium incluided two chapels, a school and even a building serving as a laundry. The sanatorium was able to house and treat more than three hundred patients daily and ended its activity in the year 1975. At that time more than 65000 had died due to their disease!

Because a cure was found for this disease, the number of patients was substantially reduced, leading to its closure as well as to other existing sanatoriums in Portugal. Only in the Serra do Caramulo were closed a dozen of them. The closure of these units pushed to a slow death the economy of some villages that lived at the expense of their commerce.

In 1974, after the Revolution of 25 of April, its facilities were assaulted, plundered and vandalized by elements of the extreme left. At the moment only concrete exists with black walls of all the fires that were set inside the buildings.

Due to the high number of deaths that occurred due to illness in this Sanatorium, many people seek him out for paranormal activities.

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